Thank you! To deepen your healing and growth, here is a special offer...

Clear, Calm & Focused Is Your New Normal

I'm here to show you how!

The Clarity Collective is a safe space for women to heal, find their focus, cultivate inner peace and calm, and create harmony so we can be successful in all areas of our lives.

Imagine being able to:

  • Release negative emotions and build resilience so you can move forward and achieve your goals.

  • Gain calm and confidence, while reducing anxiety and learning to stay present and grounded.

  • Tap into your inner wisdom, and trust your intuition.

  • BONUS: Build a support system of growth-minded women who are experiencing their journey toward reaching their goals with clarity and calm right alongside you!

The longer you wait, the harder it will be to make the changes you need to improve your life and reach your goals. Fear, anxiety and stress are holding you back from becoming who you were meant to be! The time is now to stop going through life as a vague shadow of who you truly are inside....before things get worse.


Stress, anxiety, depression and burnout have a negative effect on your physical health, and they accumulate over time. You feel mentally and physically exhausted but also feel pressure to do and be all the things for everyone else around you. If you keep ignoring your body's signs and symptoms from chronic stress and past trauma, eventually it will shut you down completely.


Poor time and energy management and a lack of motivation are costing you financially. There never seems to be enough time in the day to get it all done, and your energy keeps getting drained and you can't ever seem to catch up. Subconscious blocks around money keep you stuck, and it feels like there is no way out.

Procrastination And self-sabotage are keeping you from achieving your goals and fulfilling your dreams.

Overwhelm and chronic fatigue take you away from being present with your loved ones and have a negative effect on your professional life as well. I know because I was once in your position, dealing with chronic burnout and feeling disconnected.

Hey there! I’m Jodie Solberg, A Certified Master Hypnotherapist, Mental Wellness Professional, International Best-selling author, and the founder of Psyched Up Success.

...I know it seems impossible to get unstuck from anxiety, overwhelm and burnout, because I have been there before too...

I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be this way!

The problem is, most people don't know how to stop their minds from racing, the endless to do list and worries keeping them distracted during the day, and up from sleeping at night.

So, they focus on self-care, reading self-help books, and starting a gratitude practice. None of these things are wrong...

But they don't get to the root cause of your stress, fatigue, lack of focus, and all the things that come along with them.

Those things can provide temporary relief, if that, and definitely aren't a sustainable solution.

I'll give you just one example that many of my clients have experienced:

Let's say you have headaches that come on seemingly at random, but interfere with your work, your family time, and life in general. The doctors can't find anything wrong, so they give you medication, but the headaches still come, and stress definitely makes them worse.

But the real problem here is not your headaches...but how you deal with stress and relate to your life.

Chronic pain is often a sign that something is out of alignment. And in our culture, what do we do? We push through.

We work hard, override our emotions and bodies, and try to be happy with what we've got.

The real root is your lack of clarity around what is causing the pain, as well as what is misaligned. And that lack of alignment is what causes most people all the symptoms (both mental and physical) of stress, burnout, overwhelm and low energy.

And most people don't have the courage to change this on their own. But don't worry, it's not your fault.

No one has shown you how to get that mental clarity, achieve peace and calm, and increase your awareness and focus so you can operate from a place of alignment with your body and your values, and actually heal from within to get OUT OF the situation that you feel so stuck in.

I'm living proof that it's possible to create the life you desire and to have peace, joy, fulfillment AND be energized. All while taking care of you mental and physical well-being and taking care of others as your best and highest self.

When you're equipped with the ability to sustain your energy, reduce stress, anxiety and overwhelm, you'll be able to be more present and actually enjoy your life.

This is your invitation to tap into your inner wisdom and create a life that's in alignment that you love!

I help busy women just like you who are ready to cut stress and anxiety and lose the distractions and overwhelm, so you can heal from past hurts, recover from and prevent future burnout, increase peace and joy, and achieve greater success in all areas of your life.

You deserve to feel connected to who you are and know what you need and how to get it. Taking care of yourself is NOT selfish!

In order to thrive (not just barely survive), we need to take care of ourselves first and manage our own energy and emotions, so we are giving others the overflow, not the leftovers.

And the best way to do that as women is together in community!

I truly believe that when you learn to tap into the power of your subconscious mind, you can create a life filled with harmony in all areas: emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually, and in your relationships.


Imagine how it will feel to be calm, confident, and focused. To have the tools to create increased happiness, improve your health, increase your spiritual connection, have more harmonious relationships, and achieve success in all areas of your life!

here are some of the BENEFITS of gaining clarity, healing,

and creating harmony in your life.





all the FRUSTRATION....

this is all possible for you.

There are so many tools and techniques I can share with you to get these incredible results and more!

REst & restoration

​Breathing and mindfulness techniques to reduce pain and get more restful sleep.

​Implementing self-care so you can put yourself first​.

Harmonizing your time and increasing your energy so you can get more done in the day.

health & harmony

Trusting your intuition and feeling more connected to improve overall health and well-being.

​Changing unhealthy habits and eliminating procrastination.

​Increasing your confidence and releasing anxiety, fear and perfectionism.

focus & flow

Connecting with your higher self to identify your strengths and values and reveal your life's purpose.

Feeling empowered with the clarity and focus to achieve your goals.

​Attracting abundance and prosperity into your life, so you can make your dreams a reality!

You are going to feel SO much easier, lighter, happier, and healthier when you learn how to create TRUE work-life harmony and create your own definition of success.

INTRODUCING the clarity collective

I designed this program to be customized just for you as an individual using all the strategies, tools and techniques I have used in over 2 decades of work as a trauma focused therapist and for my own healing...

I am sharing all of this knowledge and wisdom with you because...

I believe that everyone deserves to be mentally strong, focused and emotionally healthy.

When you are armed with the ability to reduce stress, anxiety and overwhelm, and the mental and physical symptoms that come with it, you will be able to be more present in the moment and enjoy life.

I know that when you learn how to take care of yourself first, you then have the tools and ability to improve your relationships and give your best to your children, partner, parents, siblings, friends and coworkers.

In the past 2 decades working as both a therapist and coach with thousands of clients, I have honed in on the techniques that truly get results and create lasting change.

It took me many years of personal and professional work to get here, and I want to share the lessons I've learned with you, without it costing you 5 years and 6 figures for graduate school, or a lifetime of frustration, exhaustion and chronic burnout!

The truth is, emotional stress and mental exhaustion are taking a toll on your physical health. Meanwhile, feeling stuck and procrastinating are holding you back from reaching your goals.

Low self-esteem and confidence are keeping you from asking for what you really want in life, and poor sleep, eating habits and self-care are drawing your energy away from what's important.

Making sure everyone else is taken care of before yourself is draining your motivation to fulfill your own needs and purpose. You've disconnected from your own body and your intuition.

If you keep doing the same thing, and thinking the same thoughts, none of this will ever change, it will just get worse. The time, energy, stress and money wasted will continue to pile up...That's why it's time to put YOU first and start making those positive changes today so you can create the life of harmony you will enjoy and feel proud of!

Thanks for reading my letter today...

If you'd like to take advantage of this offer to join the Clarity Collective, check out the details and then click the link below. I'm looking forward to seeing you inside!

In Gratitude,



a Community support system...

You will be a member of my exclusive community of growth-minded women who are on the path to personal growth and enlightenment.
We also have an exclusive Facebook group where you can get direct access to me to ask questions and connect with the other members of the Collective throughout the month.

mental wellness Coaching...

You will have the opportunity to join me for 2 live group video calls each month-one that includes a live guided hypnotic meditation session, and one coaching call where you can connect with me as well as the sisterhood, to get direct coaching and support along your journey.

on demand guided recordings...

You will have access to my entire vault of over 50 (and counting!) guided hypnotic meditations, organized into the categories of Success, Health and Emotional Regulation. There you will find something valuable for whatever challenges you are facing. I even have special recordings you can listen to in the background while you are exercising, working, or cleaning as well as relaxing!

Mindfulness skills education...

You will learn valuable techniques you can incorporate easily into your daily life to help you either begin or evolve your mindfulness practice, giving you the tools to reduce stress, stay present, be more focused and grounded, and handle any life circumstance, any situation in your business and in your personal relationships!

deeper connection within yourself...

You will learn to deeply connect with your subconscious mind to tap into your own inner wisdom. I believe that S.H.E. (my acronym for your own personal Success, Health and Emotional Regulation) knows the answers, they are already inside of you! Your inner wisdom will guide you when you get to know yourself and how your brain works.

This is an invaluable skill in overcoming self-sabotage, resolving inner conflict and healing from within.

emotional intelligence building...

You will also learn to increase your emotional intelligence, learning skills like setting boundaries, effective communication, how to rewire your brain and change unhealthy habits and coping strategies and replace them, how to show yourself compassion and boost your confidence, and how to manage your energy and prioritize self-care. All so you can show up as your best in all areas of your life!

the good news is...You Can Start this next step

on your journey of growth & Healing Today!

The doors to this offer are open for a LIMITED TIME...

. . . . .

Because I customize the sessions specifically for the member of the Clarity Collective, I keep our membership exclusive.

In order to maintain the intimate safe space I have created, the doors will close when the designated spots are filled.

And when they reopen, I cannot guarantee that the pricing will be the same as it is now. So take advantage of this offer today!

It's time to get started on this next step in your healing journey and stop putting off the life you deserve to live! Today is the day to take action for yourself.


The Clarity Collective is a monthly membership program with unlimited access to my entire library of guided recordings, therefore I do NOT offer refunds. However, if you are not fully satisfied or would like to cancel your membership for any reason, just notify me within 7 days of your renewal date, and your membership will be cancelled and no further payments will be collected, no questions asked.

My promise to you is that I will always show up and be fully present and available for you as a member of the Clarity Collective and provide you with all the tools and resources promised that I know work and will provide you with the results you desire in creating your own definition of success.

And I guarantee that if you show up for yourself and take advantage of all the Clarity Collective has to offer, you will see real and lasting positive change in your life!

HERE are just a handful of the guided sessions in the clarity collective library...


Setting Healthy boundaries


stop people pleasing









select from the payment options below.



Billed monthly, no set up fee.

Monthly LIVE Guided Hypnotherapy Sessions

Monthly LIVE Group Coaching Calls

On Demand Access to the Vault of Guided Session Recordings

Exclusive 1:1 Session Discounts



Billed annually, no set up fee.

Monthly LIVE Guided Hypnotherapy Sessions

Monthly LIVE Group Coaching Calls

On Demand Access to the Vault of Guided

Session Recordings

Exclusive 1:1 Session Discounts

Savings of $167 per year!

Here are just a few of my many clients that my techniques have worked for:

"I told Jodie about a problem I was having with a success block caused by a toxic relationship with a specific person in my life, and she walked me through resolving my issue without judgement. Ever since then, I feel so much lighter about the whole situation and I'm so grateful I took the leap and gave it a try!"

- Emily

"Before working with Jodie, I had chronic headaches and anxiety. I had been to medical doctors, but they couldn't figure out what was causing them. I booked a session with Jodie because I wanted to seek an alternative solution than medication. My experience during the sessions was amazing. I mean really amazing! I feel like I had a breakthrough. Now when I am overwhelmed, I have tools I can go to in order to make me feel calm and at ease again."

- Akeila

"Before I worked with Jodie, my mind was busy, I couldn't stay focused, boundaries were limited, and I had no self-esteem or self-confidence. I had a problem calming my mind down before I went to bed. Now I am more calm, I am happy with who I am, and I have self-esteem and confidence. I have learned to pay attention to what I think about, and I don't allow my past to hold me back from my future. It has truly changed my life and I highly recommend working with Jodie!"

- debbie

Let me give you a quick recap of what you're getting:

  • live Monthly guided hypnotic meditation sessions and coaching calls, with curated topics that will help you increase focus and success, regulate your emotions, and improve overall health.

  • Ongoing support and mentorship in my exclusive community.

  • Tools and techniques to help you easily incorporate what you learn into your daily life.

  • Access to my entire library of guided audio downloads to listen to on demand that will help you reduce stress, anxiety, pain and overwhelm, increase focus and stay in the present moment, tap into your intuition and discover who you were meant to be, so you can live a life filled with passion and purpose.

  • exclusive discounts on individual hypnotherapy and coaching sessions, for 1:1 Guidance along your journey to more peace, joy and harmony in all areas of your life.

Whether you decide to participate in our group calls live, or just catch the replays and access the recordings at your leisure, you will absolutely benefit from being a part of my Clarity Collective.

With more than four dozen recordings to date, you'll have access to guided sessions with topics such as:

* Increasing Focus * Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

* Restful & Restorative Sleep * Finding Answers Within *Emotional Release * Finding Your Purpose * Mastering Mindfulness * Stop Procrastination * Achieving Optimal Health * Opening Yourself to Prosperity * Changing Habits * Mental Reset * Healing Your Body * Activating Physical Energy * Uplevel With Ease * Unshakeable Self-Confidence *Clearing Mental Clutter * Stepping Into Your Power *Finding Inner Inspiration *Cultivating A Growth Mindset

...and SO many more!

Join me today and start changing your life for the better!



options for joining the clarity collective:

monthly membership


Billed monthly, no set

up fee.

Monthly LIVE Guided Hypnotherapy Sessions

Monthly LIVE Group Coaching Calls

On Demand Access to the Vault of Guided Session Recordings

Exclusive 1:1 Session Discounts

annual membership


Billed annually, no set up fee.

Monthly LIVE Guided Hypnotherapy Sessions

Monthly LIVE Group Coaching Calls

On Demand Access to the Vault of Guided

Session Recordings

Exclusive 1:1 Session Discounts

Savings of $167 per year!

have a question?

Here's the answer!

What if I've never experienced Hypnotherapy before and I'm not what it will be like?

If you've never experienced hypnotherapy before, it is just like a guided meditation, but deeper and customized to do the work that is needed to create real and lasting positive changes in your life.

It's like that last 5 minutes of yoga class where you close your eyes and focus on relaxing and your breath-only we do the healing work in that calm and relaxed state that will help you tap into your own inner wisdom. You are in control; I am simply guiding you along your own personal experience.

What will happen if I can't make it to the live calls, can I still join the Clarity Collective?

There are two calls per month, and I do my best to schedule them at a time that works best for the members of the Collective.

However, attending the calls is always optional. If you can't make it on the calls live, replays of all the guided sessions will be available to download so you can listen to them anytime, anywhere, and you will also have a library of guided sessions to pull from on your phone or laptop at any time on demand, with different topics that will be helpful in your life!

Does Hypnotherapy really work on Zoom, and in a group setting?

Absolutely! The great thing about being virtual is that you get to be in your own comfortable space. In my experience working virtually for more than 5 years, the reduced stress and anxiety of not fighting traffic or being in an unfamiliar office actually enhances the hypnosis process and helps you be more relaxed, faster. During our group guided sessions, you are welcome to turn your camera off if that makes you more comfortable. I curate all of the guided session topics to be both specific to the needs of the Collective members, and also open-ended enough that you will be able to have your own personal experience.

How will the Clarity Collective help me and not just add one more thing to my already full plate?

I completely understand that your plate is full, and your to-do list feels never ending! That's why I designed the Clarity Collective to help you learn how to best manage your time and energy, while reducing your stress. With the on-demand library of guided recordings available to you 24/7, you can participate on your own timeline and get the support you need to stop juggling ALL the things and start harmonizing your life.

What if I don't know anyone in the Clarity Collective yet, and I am nervous about sharing in a group?

The Clarity Collective is designed to be a safe, welcoming, and supportive space for women to learn, grow and heal together that is a judgment free zone. When we are doing coaching time, having the reflections of other women going through similar journeys and sharing our experiences just deepens the healing and growth we all experience!

What if I'm not ready to commit to a full year yet, can I try it out and see if I like it first before deciding?

That is totally understandable that you may want to take the Clarity Collective for a test drive before committing to the annual plan. Which is why I am offering a monthly membership option as well! You are absolutely able to start with the monthly option, and then upgrade to the annual plan if and when you fall in love with the program. Just drop me a message or cancel the monthly membership and add the annual, and you'll be good to go!

The techniques I use in my mental wellness and hypnotherapy practice have helped me and countless others to achieve peace, joy, fulfillment, and emotional strength and resilience. And they will absolutely help you as well!

LAST CHANCE, here are your options for joining:

monthly membership


Billed monthly, no set

up fee.

Monthly LIVE Guided Hypnotherapy Sessions

Monthly LIVE Group Coaching Calls

On Demand Access to the Vault of Guided Session Recordings

Exclusive 1:1 Session Discounts

annual membership


Billed annually, no set up fee.

Monthly LIVE Guided Hypnotherapy Sessions

Monthly LIVE Group Coaching Calls

On Demand Access to the Vault of Guided

Session Recordings

Exclusive 1:1 Session Discounts

Savings of $167 per year! - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions